checklist for a perfect road trip in rainy months

The ideal checklist for a perfect road trip during the rainy Months

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If you feel like going on a little adventure and organising a road or camping trip but you’re worried about the rain, here is the ideal checklist to enjoy your perfect road trip and be safe on the road during rainy months. 

Make sure your car has been serviced

Rain causes quite unfavourable conditions for driving, especially when it comes to long road trips. It can be kind of tricky to travel long distances and your car needs to be in its best shape. So, before you go on a perfect road trip or a camping trip in rainy months, make sure to get your vehicle checked and serviced properly. The most important elements of your vehicle such as car, battery, brake, engine oil, and wheel alignment need to be in optimal condition. 

You’ll need great tyre grip

When getting your car serviced and ready for the road, you also need to get your tyres checked. They need to be in their absolute best shape when it comes to control and grip. A set of bald tyres during a rainy season can cause your car to skid and slip in an unwanted direction very easily. You can either invest in a new set of tyres if your current ones are ready to retire. You’ll notice how much easier and safer it is to drive your car under rainy conditions. 

Ensure your Car Insurance policy is active

In case your car gets any kind of minor or even major damage on the road, the last thing you want to worry about is how you will cover the expenses for repairing the vehicle. That is why you need to check if your car insurance policy is active before your road trip in the rainy months. No matter how hard you try accidents can still happen and your car can get damaged. 

Consider Travel Insurance

Speaking of insurance, you might also want to look into travel insurance. Now, you might be thinking “Do I really need travel insurance for a road trip”. Well, you need to consider the fact that you’re travelling during a rainy season and diversion and small accidents can happen to anyone. It’s always a better option to secure your money. Here’s a comprehensive travel medical insurance guide posted at Cover Trip.

Carry your license and car registration card 

This one is kind of obvious but it’s good to be reminded right before the trip to carry your license and car registration card. These legal documents need to be somewhere close to you as you drive. This will make crossing state boundaries more convenient. 

Fuel up beforehand

Photo by Elly Filho on Unsplash

While road trips are usually planned a few days ahead, sometimes we want to go for a weekend trip in the spur of the moment. When this happens we can be a bit careless and forget to fuel up. So, make sure your vehicle is fuelled up enough for the upcoming trip so that it won’t stop in the middle of the way with no cities in your vicinity where you can get more fuel. 

Get your camper van checked

This convenient vehicle allows you to go on longer trips around the country and camp pretty easily wherever you’re allowed to park the camper van overnight. It becomes even more convenient when you want to go on a camping trip during rainy months. So, if you plan on organising a camping trip and taking your camper van instead of your car, you need a special kind of check-up for your camper van. Other than checking the tyres, engine, brakes, and battery, you should also thoroughly check your camper van’s door(s).

You can hire a locksmith to check if the doors are working alright and can be locked properly. You want to have this kind of security if you’ll be sleeping in your vehicle for a few nights. Also, you might need an extra pair of keys to make sure that you’ll never get locked out. Wherever you are you can easily reach out to your smartphone and type in a phrase such as the best locksmith near me and Google will show you the best locksmiths available in your surroundings. 

Recheck your spare tyre and changing tools

Though your vehicle is checked before the road trip starts, you need to be prepared for potential mishaps on the road. You may never know when you can drive across the nail on the road or end up with a flat tyre any other way. That is why you need to have a spare tyre and a set of useful and essential tools in the back of your vehicle. It’s better to come prepared than end up stranded in the middle of the road with no way of moving forward or going back. 

Stock up on snacks and water

Just as much as your car needs its fuel, you also need your own type of fuel – food and water. Depending on how long you plan to stay on the road make sure you stock up on food, snacks, and water. You can meal prep certain dishes that won’t go bad on the road or you can bring a mini-fridge where you can store your food. You’ll often get peckish on the road and you’ll want a light snack. So bring some snacks as well. Lastly, it’s important to stay hydrated so bring a lot of drinking water, especially if you’ll be camping far away from any cities. 

Keep your devices fully charged

Now that technology has made travelling extremely easy with all the GPS devices, Internet access and other stuff, we rely on technology to lead us in unknown areas. That is why it’s important that your devices are fully charged. Also, you want to make sure you can easily contact people on your road trip no matter where you are. 

Check your main weapon against the rains 

This is a very important list of the checklist to achieve a perfect road trip. Your wipers are your best friends and weapons against the stormy rains. So make sure you get them checked as well. If they seem worn out, you can also get them replaced. If they look fine but seem to be working a bit slower, remember to check the water nozzles anyway since they can be clogged. 


Overall, if your vehicle is serviced, your tyres are checked, the tank is full, and you have your insurance and enough food and water for the road, if this checklist is checked you are ready for a perfect road trip and the rain can be of little concern. 

About Post Author


I am Tim Tyler, a passionate writer who tries to share his best with you. I want to help people with their issues, So, I write about common issues you may face in your daily lives.
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