Simple Tips To Protect Your Car From The Sun

Have It Made In The Shade With These Simple Tips To Protect Your Car From The Sun

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It’s fun to take our cars out for a ride on a hot, sunny day, but all that bright light and heat can take a harsh toll when our cars are exposed to too much of it. We don’t think much when we leave our cars in the parking lot to venture into a nice, air-conditioned space, but while we are gone they just sit there exposed to the ravages of solar radiation that can cause severe damage over time to the exterior, the interior, and even the engine! Here are simple tips you can use to better protect your car from the sun.

Car Covers and Shades

A great, inexpensive way to protect your car when it’s left out in the elements is to cover it with a full body cover! If that’s too much trouble, then you can at least protect the windows with handy clip-on car shades that will prevent the interior from turning into an oven! Sunlight and heat can do major damage to dashboards and upholstery, so these easy-to-use devices earn their keep!

Park in the Shade

This isn’t always possible of course, but when you can, be sure to park your car in the shade to avoid having that sun beat down on it! Look for parking spots with trees or buildings that cast shade. If you plan on being gone all day then consider where the sun will be in the sky when you return, it might be better to expose it to a bit of morning sun rather than have it sit baking under the noonday glare. If no good shady spots are available, consider parking in an indoor garage, it might cost a bit more, but how much is your car’s well-being worth to you? 

Seat Covers

Sunlight and heat can be brutal on your car’s upholstery, leather stiffens and dries, and artificial materials grow hard, and crack after prolonged exposure to UV radiation. Car seat covers not only prevent permanent damage, but they can add to your ride’s style since they come in a huge variety of colours and textures to suit any taste!

Check Tyre Pressure

Your car’s tyres get extra hot from all the friction of spinning along that sun-heated pavement! Taking good care of your tyres only requires some easy DIY car maintenance to keep them fit and firm. Air expands when it’s heated and contracts when it cools, so weekly tyre pressure checks are a must to prevent underinflation that can lead to a costly and dangerous blowout! The cool of the morning is a great time to do this to get an accurate reading, then be sure to add more air if the pressure is too low!

Crack The Windows

We can’t leave the windows down when unattended, but just leaving them open a crack helps can lower temperatures and take the pressure off the interior.

Hope these simple tips will help you protect your car from the sun. You can find more useful information on car modifications and maintenance. We hope this helps you keep your car nice and cool on those hot days!

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