overcome depression

6 tips to Overcome your Depression

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One of the principal problems that today’s Generation is experiencing is Depression. If not identified in the initial stages, it can lead to serious health problems. The people who are living in metropolitan cities are generally affected. The biggest enemy of your mind is laziness. You feel bored and don’t have any specific goals for your life. Even small chats or talks make you irritated. It affects your health. The organ that gets first affected is your stomach when there is so much pressure in your head. So make sure to keep your mind always active.

People search for ways to be Happy. But the way to Happiness lies inside themselves. Not only during this COVID-19 time, be it anytime reliving from Depression is easy. It is rare to see people who are not having any stress. All people in some way or another other are facing problems in life. These problems should not be seen as Difficulties but as Challenges. Handle your thoughts properly – think about good thoughts often. 

Overcome your Depression

Talk to Someone

Talk with anybody who is near you. Be it a casual talk or opening yourself up about your problems, You can be able to make a better decision. If you feel that no one is available, at the moment you want to speak up, start writing your thoughts, whatever comes to your mind. If that doesn’t work, make a call to some random number that pops up on the screen & ask relevant or irrelevant questions (This is only for fun). Don’t make it complicated or it will add another problem to your existing problem.

There is always a solution to every problem. The thing is you have to find it. If anyone is telling their problems to you, Listen to them. Don’t give them advice. If your 30 minutes of talking to someone makes the person think positively, that is real happiness to you. Make Video calls if people are far away. Don’t forget to maintain social distancing when you are talking to someone. 


Staying inside the house makes you feel bored. You are not able to go for long walks. You can try going for short walks near your area or on the terrace/ courtyard. Also, you can try walking in the shape of 8. This method is familiar now. Try walking backwards (Reverse direction). It boosts your energy. It’s better to walk in the early morning or the evening. It can refresh your body & mind. Make you feel relaxed. Even a Small Jump during Normal Walks makes you Happy. But don’t forget to wear a Mask when you are stepping out. Along with walking, Exercise can make you feel energized. 

Read a Book

Reading is the favourite adventure for most people. It’s not necessary to be a Self Help Book. Read any book which gathers your interest. E.g. Comics / Magazine. The book that is on your shelf or table that you see all the time when you cross across it but never touch it. Take it & have a glance

Listen to Music

being happy

Music makes many people motivated and enhances good thoughts. It gives you instant mood changes and makes you happy. But for others, it could be a disturbance or lead to a lack of concentration in work. Working while listening to songs is good for the mind. It acts as a catalyst which helps you work soon & makes you enthusiastic. Listening to Nature’s Sounds gives you a soothing effect. For Instance, the Sound of Rain could make your mind feel relaxed

Laugh out Loud

being happy

Even when you are not in a mood, Play a Comedy Scene that you used to see in the past. It might throw you good memories. Trending – You can view memes or create a new ones. Be with a baby. It is the best stress buster. Even a Small Smile after a Bad day can lower your depression. But your smile must come from your heart. Make your mind think that you are happy even though you are not, constant thinking about a particular thing makes you get what you want. 

Eat Healthily

eat healthy

Eating good food cures Depression. Consumption of Berry Fruits can help reduce Anxiety. Strawberry, Raspberry, Green berry, and Blackberry are the sources of Vitamin C. Consume Green vegetables regularly. Spinach, Broccoli, and Cabbages increase your immunity. Vitamin B and B6 are found in Green Vegetables. Eat Fibre-rich food. You may not feel Hungry or may eat heavily. Eat light food (Fruits) if you think to skip meals. Don’t overeat, which affects your fitness in the longer run. 

Follow the above ways to be happy in your life not only during this lockdown period but also on other routine days. Life gives you surprises when you are least looking towards them. Even the next moment can change your life. Face reality bravely. There is no greater happiness than helping others. It gives you Peace & Self Satisfaction. It can be by simply giving a Flower or a Book to someone. Perfectly doing what you like wholeheartedly, will make you Happy. Happiness lies in knowing yourself. It doesn’t lie in proving or comparing yourself to others. Listening to the Sound of a Droplet is Joy. Feeling the Soft Breeze of the Wind is Joy. There is joy in everything & every second. Enjoy your Life. Be grateful for what you have in your life. 

About Post Author

Kiruthika AS

Passionate Writer.
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