Best Yoga Flow to Unwind Your Body after Long Hours of Working

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We all have different occupations, but they are equally exhausting. You might be dealing with long hours of sitting as you deal with paperwork. Or, you can be dealing with lots of manual labour at a construction site. Regardless of the job that brings you income, prolonged working can be depressing.

Let’s be honest. No matter how much you love your job, you can’t deny that it gets challenging and exhausting at times. The best dating sites often record more activity during after-work hours since members seek comfort from their matches. Well, as much as that helps emotionally, how can you deal with mental and physical exhaustion?

We’re going to tell you how! But before that, let’s take a look at the importance of unwinding after working for a prolonged period.

Importance of Unwinding Your Body After a Long Day

Since we’re seeking solutions to release the tension, we should know why it’s so important. Relaxing and recovering after a long day at work has a lot of benefits to the body. According to Yale, it is crucial to value relaxation and carve out some time to unwind regardless of your busy schedule. This will boost your health and wellness.

Recurrent physical and mental exhaustion might lead to adverse conditions. You can find yourself changing your lifestyle by following unhealthy patterns which have adverse effects. For instance, prolonged physical exhaustion will affect your energy levels and zeal at work. This will negatively impact your productivity, and you might lose that job that you value so much. On the other hand, mental exhaustion might impair your thoughts and overall functionality. You might get into a depression phase, dimming your creativity levels.

However, there is light at the end of the tunnel if you’re willing to put in some work. There are several encouraging ways of unwinding after long hours of work. If you find it rough at work, yoga flow ideas can help you to relax.

Relaxing helps clear out recurring negative thoughts and stress that promote a number of health complications. Increased blood pressure, fatigue, and cardiovascular diseases are some conditions that you can avoid by having a yoga flow for stress relief.

So how does a yoga flow morning routine help?

Yoga Flow – Advantages and Techniques

How to use yoga to relax

How Does It Help?

Yoga practice is renowned for the multiple benefits it has on people. It incorporates meditation, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, and deep breathing. All these components are the primary requirements of unwinding. Yoga digs deeper than the typical physical exhaustion. You have to deal with your emotional, mental, and spiritual exhaustion.

What gives people yoga flow inspiration is the track record of this practice. Many people give positive reviews of the wonders the exercises have had on them. In addition, it is a traditional practice, so it has been here for a while – constantly tried and tested. So, what kind of yoga flow exercises are ideal for unwinding after long hours of work?

The Best Yoga Flow Examples

It all comes down to what you will do about your situation. The best yoga flow for beginners should include poses such as:

1. Standing forward bend

Standing forward bend yoga flow
Photo by Elina Fairytale from Pexels

From a standing position, take a bowing movement but go all the way to your legs. Stretch until your hands are in contact with your feet while avoiding any strains on your waist. Place your hands on the floor and rest at that position for thirty seconds before you can redo the whole process again. It is perfect for stretching the hamstring muscles.

2. Extended triangle bend

Extended triangle bend yoga flow
Photo by Marta Wave from Pexels

Stand while having your legs far apart from each other, preferably wider than the shoulder width. From your waist, stretch on either side (left or right). If right, let your right hand touch the floor and your left hand raised towards the sky. If right, let your right hand touch the floor and your left hand stay raised towards the sky. Your hands should form a straight line when stretched. That is, there should be a straight line from one palm to the other. The pose is for stretching your waist and shoulders.

3. Alternating cat and cow pose

These poses are meant to massage your organs for instant relief. You get to the crawling position for the cow pose with both your hands and knees rooted on a mat. Stretch your legs backwards, face forward, and let your back deepen a bit. It is ideal for expanding your chest and opening your airways. The cat pose is in a similar position with palms and knees on the ground and feet facing backwards. However, you tend to face the floor and stretch your back upwards. It helps with massaging and strengthening your spine muscles and increasing flexibility and blood flow. This pose reduces stiffness and soreness. It would be best if you took deep, relaxing breaths while doing these exercises.

4. Camel pose

This yoga flow relaxing posture is quite awkward for most people. You begin by kneeling with your feet stretched backwards and the rest of the body standing straight. You then extend your arms back till your palms touch your feet. At that point, you stretch your entire body outwards as you support it with your arms and feet. It is ideal for sore arms, back, shoulders and legs.

5. Cobra pose or Upward dog facing pose

This pose is known for opening your airways, strengthening and relaxing your back, and stimulating digestion. You begin with laying on your stomach with your feet well-stretched. You then place your palms on the floor at about each side of your belly button and raise your upper body. Stretch as much as you can while facing forward and your lower body rooted to the floor.

6. Child’s pose

Child’s pose

With steady and deep breathing, this pose is perfect for rejuvenating and relaxing. You start by kneeling, and then rest your bottom on your legs. You bow down without separating your behind from your legs and stretch your hands forward, holding the floor using your fingers.


Long hours of work can have drastic effects on your body. Finding ways of unwinding after a long day will save you from the effects of exhaustion. There are multiple yoga flow benefits to enjoy if you opt for the different helpful poses. It is necessary to always take care of yourself to avoid any health complications in the future.

Do you feel exhausted after long hours of work? How do you unwind from that? Leave a comment.

About Post Author


Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.
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Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.

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