Finding the right full body bodyweight workout is easy if you know what you want to achieve. Bodyweight exercises are easy to do if you commit yourself. You can do them in your house, at the park, or in a hotel room. The exercises are inexpensive and convenient and are ideal if you want to engage multiple joints or different muscle groups to increase your strength and flexibility.
You can do bodyweight exercises as a single workout, or you can bundle multiple exercises together. The only barrier to finding options is your creativity. Explore these 10 bodyweight exercises you can do anywhere without requiring special equipment.
Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches can be your daily bodyweight workout, which you can do in the morning or the evening after work. You simply lie flat on the floor facing up and position your hands behind your head. Then bend your knees, ensuring both of your feet are off the floor. In this position, move your legs as if you are pedaling a bike while moving an elbow to the opposite knee. Continue and alternate, touching your elbows to your knees throughout.
Another at-home bodyweight workout you can try easily is push-ups. You don’t need an introduction to the classic push-up, but you will find variations that make it harder or easier. Push-ups contribute to upper body muscle growth, stability, and core strength.
To get started, get in a plank position, placing your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself, tucking your elbows, then push yourself up. You should maintain a straight back while doing this workout. If you are looking for a bodyweight chest workout, then you will achieve great results with push-ups.
Pull-ups use your body weight as resistance to create a powerful upper body workout. However, you need a secure mechanism from which to hang; maybe a pull-up bar or a door frame. With a firm grip, arms past shoulder-width, grab the frame or hold the bar overhead. Pull yourself up, ensuring your chin reaches over the bar. Lower your body to lower the motion then repeat in as many reps as you can perform per session.
Bodyweight Squats
When it comes to at-home bodyweight leg workout, squats are a staple. You can add them as part of your high-intensity interval training. These exercises are effective for building core strength and lower body muscle groups.
To get started, place your legs hip-width apart. Keep your chest up, hinge your hips to squat down as if sitting in a chair. Maintain a strong core and keep your knees stacked over the feet without extending over your toes. Get back to standing and repeat with as many reps as you can perform per session. You can take breaks if you want to do the workout extensively.
Reverse Lunge
This is another good option for a bodyweight leg workout that you can do at home without equipment. Begin in a standing position while tightening up your core. Take a step backwards with the right leg, lowering your body and pausing for a second. Get back to a standing position, then switch legs and repeat 6 to 12 reps on each leg. Do 3 to 4 sets per session for the best results. Make sure you have the best mens workout shorts as you don’t want anything distracting your movement.
Tricep Dips
Many people want a bodyweight workout with no equipment that they can do at home. Tricep dips are a perfect choice to build your triceps, and the only thing you need is a chair or a bench. Sitting on the chair, place your hands on the edge with your feet out. Slightly slide your butt off the chair, and then bend your elbow so your butt nearly touches the floor. Extend your elbow and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 4 to 10 reps. Do 2 to 4 sets per session.
Jumping Lunges
Lunges are a good choice to add to your at-home bodyweight workout plan. Jumping lunges are a compound exercise that will make your bodyweight training more effective.
To get started:
- Bend your knees and plant your foot on the floor, extending your other leg behind you.
- Keep your front leg far enough to ensure your back is straight.
- From this position, jump up.
- Switch legs mid-air to land with the legs in opposite positions.
- Repeat.
Doing step-ups is easy as all you need is to find a bench or step. Step on an elevated surface with your right foot. Step up so your right leg is straight. Shift back to the starting position, then repeat, aiming to complete 10 – 12 reps per side.
This is a bodyweight exercise that you will fit perfectly into your high-intensity interval training circuit. Burpees are squats with a stand between reps, making the exercise full-body often used in strength training and aerobic workouts. Starting in a standing position, squat down, emulating a frog. Place hands on the ground, then jump to a high plank position. Next, do a push-up. Reverse the movements, and then repeat.
L-Sit Core Exercises
Often, L-sits are conducted on a pull-bar. But you don’t need equipment because you can emulate the exercise at home from the floor. Sit on the ground and extend our legs out and hands at your sides. Lift your body off the ground while using your hands to support yourself. Maintain this position for several seconds then lower yourself back to the ground.
You don’t require any equipment to stay fit. There are many bodyweight workout options you can do anywhere that work perfectly. Just find the best routine and incorporate the best exercises into your workout plan, and you will enjoy great results.
Did we leave out some effective bodyweight workouts you would love to suggest? Share in the comments below.