how Covid impacts dating

9 Ways Covid Has Changed The Dating Game

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Are you wondering how Covid impacts dating? Covid-19’s impact on society and dating, in particular, has been profound. It is no longer as simple as striking up a conversation, organizing to meet up, and then enjoying a quintessential first date dinner or coffee in your favourite cafe. With strict lockdowns, you can also forget about crashing at your new date’s pad. While forming relationships in the Covid era is tough, online dating has been a saviour.

Let’s look at nine ways Covid has altered the dating world:

Finding Potential Dates Is a Challenge 

Over 20% of people meet their husband or wife at work, with another 20% meeting at university. With offices and schools closed, meeting your new date is not easy. If you are wondering how to start dating during Corona? Your best bet is to explore meeting people on online sites.

Meeting in Person Can Be a Nightmare 

With all of your favourite restaurants and bars closed, where are you meant to go on dates? Going for a stroll around the city or checking out a park are some cool Covid dating ideas. That is if you are lucky enough to be let out of your house. Take some time to empathize with people stuck in strict lockdowns.

People Are Guilty About Dating

how Covid impacts dating
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Once the pandemic began, many started Googling, “Is dating allowed during Covid?” Even though dating is allowed, there is a potential of spreading coronavirus when meeting people. Though you should not let covid destroy your dating life, at the same time, you need to follow Covid dating rules such as government guidelines on social distancing and lockdowns.

Hookups Are Not so Common

The days of finding a new date at 3 am in a dimly lit bar or on the dancefloor of a club are over. Also, studies have found people are less likely to meet up for one-night stands when asked out via dating apps. It seems like Covid rules for dating include a focus on long-term, more meaningful relationships. Check out some of the best dating sites in 2021 to help you meet your Covid crush.

Parties and Group Dates Are a No Go 

Meeting up with different couples at parties or going on big group dates is no longer possible with social distancing rules and venues operating at a limited capacity. Some governments are even restricting who you can invite to your own house. The shift away from group gatherings to intimate one-on-one meet-ups is an example of how covid has affected dating.

The stress of COVID Is Turning People off Dating

With people losing their jobs, housing, and watching loved ones suffer from health complications, it is no wonder that more people are not interested in dating. Research has found there has been a 20% increase in the number of people no longer willing to date during Covid vs before. Is it ok to date during Covid? Even though it is ok to date during Covid, people focus on other more pressing aspects of their life such as finances and health.

Physical Intimacy Has Taken a Nosedive

People have less sex, as Covid has dealt hookup culture a large blow, and couples who live separately have struggled to meet up due to restrictive lockdowns. With governments handing out huge fines for breaking quarantine, fewer and fewer couples are risking breaking the law just to score some physical affection.

COVID Is Helping People Bond 

People who are already in a relationship have found that they have grown closer to their partner, thanks to Covid. Psychologists often say that humans form strong relationships when going through difficult situations together. As many couples have had to support their partner getting sick or going through financial stress, these tough moments have brought couples closer. While Covid has been a terrible event for many, this is an example of how covid has changed dating.

Rebound Effect 

How will dating change after Coronavirus? Experts predict that due to all of the restrictions on behaviour due to Covid, that when they finally end, people will go a little crazy. They expect the hookup culture to rebound well above the levels it was before Covid. They expect people to be liberal with their relationships by going on more dates and seeing more people. If you feel like your dating life has taken a nosedive during Covid, maybe you can get back in the game during this rebound effect.


Covid dating has not been easy. With your favourite date spots closed, offices and schools shut, and lockdowns preventing couples from meeting up, there has not been a lot of dating going on during Covid. Things have largely shifted online with little actual physical contact. Fortunately, experts predict a rebound effect when this Covid thing finally finishes, where dating will reach levels much higher than pre-Covid heights. This will be a great time to let your hair down and explore your dating options.

We want to hear about your experiences with Covid dating. Please comment below on your experiences, whether bad or good.

About Post Author


Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.
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