
Excel Shortcut keys

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Here is a list of the shortcuts that can make your life easy while using Excel. Use Excel 2013 for the best experience and all the shortcuts works with Excel 2013.

I have included the most used shortcuts in Excel. If you have any more shortcuts please leave a comment.


Ctrl+NCreate new workbook
Ctrl+OOpen workbook
Ctrl+SSave workbook
F12Save as
Ctrl+PPrint file
Ctrl+F2Open print preview window
Ctrl+F4Close current workbook
Alt+F4Close Excel
Ctrl+Alt+VDisplay the Paste Special dialog box
Ctrl+HDisplay find and replace
Alt+F1Create embedded chart
F11Create a chart in a new worksheet
Ctrl+Shift+LToggle Autofilter
Alt↓Activate filter
Ctrl+TInsert table
Shift+SpaceSelect table row
Ctrl+SpaceSelect table column
HomeMove to the beginning of the row
Shift+SpaceSelect entire row
Ctrl+SpaceSelect entire column
Shift+ClickAdd adjacent cells to the selection
Ctrl+ClickAdd non-adjacent cells to the selection
Shift+F8Toggle add to selection mode
EnterMove active cells down in the selection
Shift+EnterMove active cells up in the selection
Ctrl+GDisplay the “GoTo” dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+*Select the current region around the active cell
Ctrl+/Select current array
Ctrl+\Select row differences
Ctrl+Shift+|Select column differences
Alt+;Select visible cells only
F2Edit the active cell
Shift+F2Insert or edit the comment
Ctrl+DeleteDelete to end of line
Alt+EnterStart a new line in the same cell
Ctrl+;Insert current date
Ctrl+Shift+:Insert current time
Ctrl+DFill down from the cell above
Ctrl+RFill right from cell left
Ctrl+’Copy the formula from the cell above
Ctrl+Shift+”Copy value from the cell above
Ctrl+KAdd hyperlink
Ctrl+EFlash fill
Ctrl+1Format (almost) anything
Ctrl+Shift+FDisplay Format Cells with Font tab selected
Ctrl+5Apply or remove strikethrough formatting
Ctrl+BApply or remove bold formatting
Ctrl+IApply or remove italic formatting
Ctrl+UApply or remove underscoring
Alt+H+A+CAlign centre
Alt+H+A+LAlign Left
Alt+H+A+RAlign Right
Ctrl+Shift+~Apply general format
Ctrl+Shift+$Apply currency format
Ctrl+Shift+%Apply percentage format
Ctrl+Shift+^Apply scientific format
Ctrl+Shift+#Apply date format
Ctrl+Shift+@Apply Time format
Ctrl+Shift+!Apply Number format
Ctrl+Shift+&Add border outline
Ctrl+Shift+_Remove borders
Shift+F3Open the Insert Function Dialog Box
Alt+=Autosum selected cells
Ctrl+`Toggle formulas on and off
F9Calculate worksheets
Shift+F9Calculate worksheets
Ctrl+Shift+UExpand or collapse the formula bar
Ctrl+F3Define name
Ctrl+Shift+F3Define name using row and column labels
Ctrl+Shift++Display Insert Dialog box
Ctrl+-Display Delete dialog box
Ctrl+0Hide columns
Ctrl+9Hide rows
Ctrl+Shift+0Unhide columns
Ctrl+Shift+9Unhide rows
Ctrl+8Hide or show outline symbols
Shift+F11Insert new worksheet
Ctrl+PgDn/Ctrl+PgUpGo to the next/prev worksheet
Ctrl+F9/Ctrl+F10Minimize/Maximize the current workbook window
Shift+ClickSelect adjacent worksheets
F7Open the Spelling dialog box
Shift+F7Open Thesaurus dialog box
Alt+F8Open the Macro dialog box
Ctrl+6Hide or show objects
Alt+’Display Modify Cell Style dialog box
Shift+F10Display right-click menu

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Hello Guys I am a website developer by profession but is always keen on learning new things. I have been investing in Mutual funds, stock market for the past few years because of which I have gained good knowledge. I started my entrepreneur journey in 2019 which lead me to learn more things as I am moving forward. I always love to share whatever I learn. Always had a craze for cars from my childhood, which inspired me to start this website.
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