eco-friendly cleaning

How to Approach Household Cleaning in an Eco-Friendly Way

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Keeping your living space clean can often cause you distress. People who experience migraines know the struggle of maintaining a clean space. Harsh chemicals trigger headaches. They’re usually dangerous for someone who doesn’t know how to use them. Some cleaning supplies can cause burns and eye irritation. 

Natural cleaning alternatives create the same results as regular cleaning supplies. Eco-friendly cleaning options are better both for you and the environment. Natural products are also cheaper, and they don’t pollute our land and rivers. 

Select eco-friendly products

eco-friendly cleaning

The main reason why many people still have harsh chemicals in their households is that they’re more affordable. You can find cleaning supplies in every store. But when it comes to more natural products, you’ll have to know where to look to get what you want. 

There are numerous eco-friendly cleaning products that you can purchase and use daily. However, you should know that you can make your cleaning solution that costs less and may last longer. Use lemon and baking soda to clean greasy areas. Baking soda paste will clean your oven, bathroom tiles and bathtub. You can also use it to remove stains on clothes or as a base for your eco-friendly washing powder. 

Lemon juice is ideal for removing stains on your wooden cutting boards. Use it to polish copper and freshen garbage disposal. The third natural ingredient you should use for treating varnished surfaces is vinegar. Use only diluted vinegar, but don’t forget that vinegar kills only some germs. 

Eliminate hazardous chemicals

harsh chemicals

Most people have a variety of harmful products in their houses. They can either induce skin reactions or harm your health if you inhale them. It’s vital to understand the dangers of using these products. Children can easily take them and harm themselves if they’re not stored. Burns and irritations are not easy to treat. Why risk when you can find an alternative solution and eliminate the dangers?

Once you buy eco-friendly cleaning supplies, you need to find out how to eliminate old products. Ensure all hazardous cleaners have a cap on, to avoid spillage. If you’re unsure how to approach it, contact your local recycling centre, and ask for instructions. Learn how to dispose of harmful chemicals. Proper elimination will prevent further polluting of your environment. 

Use smart devices

Disinfection is very important when it comes to keeping your living space clean. Naturally, you wouldn’t have to use anti-bacterial agents every day. However, the pandemic urged us to try and apply new safety precautions. Disinfection of the whole house will take up a lot of time. Instead of wiping every service, invest in a device that’s going to help you finish faster. Electrostatic cordless sprayers will help you apply cleaning solutions that prevent infections faster. 

You need to spread sanitisers to all parts of your household. Only then you will ensure all germs and bacteria are gone. Cordless sprayers are easy to use. You also get indulgent quality for affordable pricing. Now that it’s recommended to pay more attention to disinfection, it’s best to use gadgets that will make cleaning easier. 

Reuse old items

There are other methods to go green besides using natural products. One of the ways is to reuse old items in your home. Take old clothes and make new dishcloths. You can use old clothing to wipe dust and clean certain areas. Recycle as much as you can. Start DIY projects to make new things with plastic and other disposable materials. 

Make glass coasters out of beer cans. Use old glass bottles to create a colourful mosaic for an empty wall. Reuse and recreate, and fewer materials will go to the garbage can. You’ll do much for the environment if you make use of materials that are not recyclable. 


If you want to go green, expect that you will need to invest more time to apply new solutions. However, changing your lifestyle for the better is worth all your effort. It may be hard to adapt in the beginning. Soon you will learn how to save time while applying solutions that are good for the environment. Once you find practices that suit you the most, it will be easier to accomplish everything. You’ll feel much better knowing that you’re doing your best to contribute to saving the earth.

About Post Author

Sarah Jessica Smith

Sarah Jessica Smith is a young blogger from Sydney. She is in love with life and all the things that can make her daily routine easier. She loves to write about home improvement, lifestyle, and all the small things that make life such a great adventure.
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