best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie

Best Dialogues from Ford Vs Ferrari Movie

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Ford vs Ferrari is one of my favourite movies, This movie is directed by James Mangold, who is one of the best directors. And we have Matt Demon, Christain Bale, Jon Berthnal, these are some of my favourite actors in Hollywood. The story the acting everything was great. It is based on the real rivalry between Ford and Ferrari, and the introduction of the GT40 in 24 Hours of Le Mans 66. It is one of the best movies that Hollywood has made, and surely this movie has a lot of good dialogue in it. We will list the best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie.

Produced byPeter Chernin
Jenno Topping
James Mangold
DirectorJames Mangold
WritersJez Butterworth
John-Henry Butterworth
Jason Keller
StarsMatt Damon
Christian Bale,
Jon Bernthal
Caitríona Balfe
Josh Lucas
Release datesAugust 30, 2019
Budget$97.6 million
Box office $225.5 million
Cinematography Phedon Papamichael
Edited byMichael McCusker
Andrew Buckland
Music byMarco Beltrami
Buck Sanders
Production companiesChernin Entertainment
TSG Entertainment
Turnpike Films
Distributed by 20th Century Fox[1]

Best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie

Am I on goddam fire? Fill the damn tank – Shelby - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
There’s a point at 7000 RPM where everything fades. The machine becomes weightless. And all that’s left is a body moving through space and time. 7000 RPM! That’s where you meet it. It asks you a question, The only question that matters. Who are you? – Shelby
You’ve coked up the inlet valves and the plugs. Nothing wrong with the car, just the way it’s being driven. – Ken Miles
That there, that is a sport car. You have to drive her like a sport car. If you drive her like a school teacher, she’ll clog up. All right? Try changing up at 5000 RPM, not two – Ken Miles
Here’s what I want to you do. Walk Home. While you’re walking, I want you to ruminate. Man comes to my office with an idea, that man keeps his job. Rest of you second-best losers stay home, you don’t belong at ford – Mr. Ford
Well, early bird gets the worm, Pops – Shelby - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
Guy wins the 24 hour Le Mans suddenly retires, start selling cars. It just doesn’t make sense. Well unless the rumors are true, of course – Sam 
Oh what rumors would those be Sam? – Shelby 
That Carroll Shelby quit driving, because he lost his nerve – Sam
8 I’m gonna out brake you on the next turn, Bob – Ken miles - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
You see, kids today, they want glamour. They want sex appeal. They want to go fast. – Lee Iacocca
Enzo Ferrari will go down in history as the greatest car manufacturer of all time. Why? Is it because he built the most cars? No. It’s because of what his cars mean. Victory – Lee Iacocca - best Hollywood movies
You don’t have to give up racing to get a bloody day job, Ken – Mollie Miles - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
Tell him he’s not Henry Ford. He’s Henry Ford the second – Enzo Ferrari - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
It takes something money can’t buy – Shelby 
Money can buy speed – Lee Iacocca 
But it isn’t about speed, lee. It’s not just like those other tracks where all you do is turn to the left for four hours – Shelby
To win that race, you need a car that’s light enough to do 200 on the straightaways but strong enough to keep that up for 3000 miles without a break. – Shelby - best Hollywood movies
But deep down, who they hate even more, are guys like you, because you’re not like them, because you don’t think like them, because you are different. – Ken miles - best Hollywood movies
It looks fantastic, but inside it is a lump of lard dressed up to fool the public. My advice is, lose the inline-six and that idiotic three-speed shorten the wheelbase, somehow lose half a ton, and lower the price. But even then I’d still choose a Chevy Chevelle, and that’s a fucking terrible car – Ken Miles - best Hollywood movies
But there are a few people who find something they have to do. Something obsesses them. Something that if they can’t do it’s gonna drive them clean out of their mind. I’m that guy. And I know one other man feels exactly the same. His name is Mr. Henry Ford. – Shelby
Its awful. It doesn’t track. You know the third gear is too high. Torque is not reaching the road. Steering’s loose because the front end gets light. And over 140 it thinks it’s an airplane. It wants to lift off and fly to Hawaii. – Ken Miles - best Hollywood movies
This car wants to go faster. I feel it – Ken miles - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
More of that, please. More of that, my girl – Ken miles - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
Carrol, do not lose sight of the big picture here. – Lee Iacocca - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
Put a ford type drive in a ford car, My Shelby. That’s the ford way – Leo Beebe - best Hollywood movies
But our last lap, we clocked 218 miles an hour down the Mulsanne straight – Shelby - best Hollywood movies
Do you have any idea the kind of shit that I had to eat just to get four wheels on that grid? No you don’t. Cause you don’t deal with any of that stuff – Shelby
There is still lag when I hit the gas. Let’s get rid of the vacuum secondaries – Ken miles - best Hollywood movies
You’re going fast, but as the car speeds up, everything else slows down – Ken miles - best Hollywood movies
You have to be kind to the car. You feel the poor thing groaning underneath you. If you gonna push a piece of machinery to the limit and expect it to hold together, you have to have some sense of where that limit is – Ken miles
You know how we talked about. How you do your thing, I do my thing? This is my thing. – Shelby - best Hollywood movies
The name on the middle of that steering wheel should tell you that I was born ready, Shelby. Hit it – Henry Ford II - best Hollywood movies
I can push her harder than six, Shel. I can feel it – Ken Miles - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
Well, if this were a beauty pageant, we just lost – Ken miles - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
The bloody door won’t close – Ken miles - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
Can you Keep this up? – Shelby 
Can the car? – Ken miles - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
Mr. Ford’s probably going somewhere nice for dinner. – Charlie 
What you mean probably? – Phil - best Hollywood movies
You show me where it says in that little rule book where I can’t swap out my upright assembly. A part is a part. Be it a brake caliper, a rotor or an upright assembly, and I can swap out any damn thing I want to. We read your damn rule book – Shelby
He doesn’t trust the car yet. Come on Ken. I gave you new brakes, buddy – Phil - best Hollywood movies
They robbed you Ken – Phil - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
Well, you promised me the drive. Not the win. – Ken miles
It was a hell of a drive – Shelby
She’s a hell of a machine – Ken miles
Oh she is fast – Shelby 
Could be faster – Ken miles - best Hollywood movies
You drove it for less than an hour. You can’t tell shit after an hour – Shelby - best dialogues from Ford vs Ferrari movie
Then I started thinking that sometimes, words just are not useful. Tools are useful cause you can make stuff with them, and you can fix stuff with them. – Shelby - best Hollywood movies

This is one of the best movies in Hollywood directed by James Mangold. Did you watch and like the movie? Which is your favourite dialogue from Ford vs Ferrari, do let us know in the comments. And if we missed any best dialogues please write them down in the comments, and we will surely add them to the list

About Post Author


Hello Guys I am a website developer by profession but is always keen on learning new things. I have been investing in Mutual funds, stock market for the past few years because of which I have gained good knowledge. I started my entrepreneur journey in 2019 which lead me to learn more things as I am moving forward. I always love to share whatever I learn. Always had a craze for cars from my childhood, which inspired me to start this website.
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