how to get more followers on Instagram

5 Genuine free ways to get more Instagram followers and likes

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If there is any social media app platform that is the most-loved in the world, then it is Instagram! It blessed us in 2010 and within 3 months of its release, it actually hit 1 million users – now that’s some crazy statistics. However, that number is nothing compared to the people who use the platform currently, i.e. 700 million and still counting. And the usage is very well-deserved since it has never failed to provide the best user experience any platform can offer. The platform not only provides adaptive features, but also a way to build your brand. Instagram, in that sense, has slowly but steadily become the number one choice of brands’ social presence, pulling in an engagement that no other platform could provide. To announce your brand’s presence, however, it is important that you have enough followers and lure in enough likes to make your audience trust you. It is always the verified profiles or the ones with a huge Instagram followers-base that seem authentic and gets the most attention.

Unfortunately, getting followers and likes on Instagram is not an easy task, since the Instagram algorithm always seems to change and many profiles just work with fake and bought-out followers. But worry not, since there is a way – or ways, to be precise – to gain organic followers and likes, i.e. genuine engagement! How do you ask? Read along to find out.

how to get more followers on Instagram

1. Develop a content strategy:

A sound and attainable content strategy is always the way to go, whatever business you run. Posting random content will not only bring in random followers but will also make your account grow the way you want. However, if the content is targeted and planned beforehand, you will increase Instagram followers gradually. That means you will have to carefully screen your content, determine its context, develop your aesthetic visual style and schedule the posts accordingly to make you look appealing, consistent and therefore, trustworthy. And if you want to know whether your strategy is working, you can definitely download any Instagram followers app that will help you track your followers whenever you want.

2. Use the Instagram tools:

A big part of social media marketing strategy is the tools that Instagram provides for the profile-holders. Instagram is packed with impressive tools, one better than the other. Firstly, Instagram provides you with an option of making your account private or public – and the latter comes with tons of analytics tools, which helps you stay on top of your game. You can check the best time to post, whichever your top posts are, the engagement and reach of these posts and demographic information about the followers, among others. Some of the most useful tools include Instagram ads and hashtags, which exposes your profile to others as much as possible. 

3. Organize contests and giveaways:

If you want to know how to get more followers on Instagram, organizing contests and giveaways are recommended. Contests on Instagram always garner a lot of attention and not just from your followers. As easy as it sounds, however, a lot of preparation and strategy goes into organizing these contests and getting your profile in others people’s feeds. And why are these beneficial? Since these contests and giveaways demand tagging other people from your list, it creates a chain of people who check out your brand or business, thus effectively increasing your engagement and possibly, your free Instagram followers. 

4. Optimize your Instagram account:

One of the first things you have to do to get more followers on Instagram is optimizing your account. Take it easy though, since it is not as difficult as it sounds! Give your profile a proper username, something that can be remembered easily and is search-friendly. A relevant profile image, as well as a bio, also goes a long way in making you seem authentic. The most important thing, however, is the link section of your bio, where you can paste your website’s URL. Apart from that, you can also change the link post-wise, making the content mentioned in the feed even more accessible. Doing this will guarantee you 1000’s free Instagram followers.

5. Collaborate with brands:

It is important to incorporate brand collaborations in your Instagram growth strategy. You can increase Instagram followers and your reach by bringing in different brands and businesses and feature them on your page – not only would you get exposure on their page, but will also get some monetary benefit, if it’s a paid one. This is one of the best ways to establish your social presence and attract organic but genuine followers slowly but steadily. Many brands must be promoting a similar message to you – all you have to do is find these brands and businesses, impress your set of followers and gain even more!

Getting your Instagram famous on the platform might be a part of your brand’s promotional strategy – however, it is undeniably a big part of it. But what is being Insta-famous really? It just means making your Instagram followers happy and engaged enough to make them come back to your brand again and again. And the ways mentioned above will bring in some happy and free Instagram followers and gain you some amazing life-long connections!

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