ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization)
Indian space agency which is making remarkable growth in space mission at very low-cost. ISRO was founded by Vikram Sarabhai in 1969.
ISRO created a world record by sending 104 satellite in one launch using PSLV-C37 (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) launched on Feb 2017. Total weight of all the 104 satellites carried on-board PSLV-C37 was 1378 kg. Out of 104 satellite 3 where Indian satellite, out of which two where Nano satellite (INS-1) weighing 8.4 kg and INS-2 weighing 9.7 kg and the 714 kg Cartosat-2 (Earth observation satellite) Series Satellite. The rest 101 satellites where from USA (96), The Netherlands (1), Switzerland (1), Israel (1), Kazakhstan (1) and UAE (1).
- SLV (Satellite Launch Vehicle)
- ASLV (Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle)
- PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle)
- GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle)
- GSLV Marks III
ISRO has around 100 satellites launched, you can see a list of satellites launched by ISRO here, and see the timeline here.
How ISRO make it so Cheap
ISRO sent a mars orbiter at a cost of $74m, which is almost ten times less than NASA which was around $671m. And they sent 104 satellites out of which 101 satellites where foreign, so they earned money for sending those satellite. Around $3m on average is charged from NASA for one satellite, we do not know how much ISRO earned.
The main reason is low production cost of all the material used in rockets and lighter payloads. ISRO did not used imported components which lowered the cost drastically. Some people would say small probe means scientifically less advanced, but the smart people at ISRO has targeted at important areas which would really return good results.
Earth atmosphere has methane because of which we have life here, so Mangalyaan is equipped with and instrument which will find methane on mars atmosphere. Read this BBC article.
As Indian I am proud of our ISRO team, and everyone should be. Where Space agency like NASA, European space agency and SpaceX are spending billions of dollars we just spend 1/10 of it. And ISRO is getting into reusable rockets, which they successfully tested on 2016.
ISRO have successfully completed Chandrayaan-1 and Mangalyaan. Now they are planning for Chandrayaan-2 which will have moon lander and rover. Mangalyaan-2 will have mars lander and rover. They are also planning for Venus (Shukrayaan). And I also think there will be a Chandrayaan-3 which will put first Indian on Moon. Mangalyaan-3 for first Indian on Mars.
Special thanks to ISRO website for data.