What is Gene Editing?

What is Gene Editing?

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Each year there are thousands of babies in US-born with genetic disorders. A genetic disorder is a disease caused wholly or partially by an alteration in the DNA sequence. A single mutation, multiple mutations, or a combination of gene mutations and environmental factors can cause genetic disorders. Currently, scientists are unable to cure genetic disorders such as Downs Syndrome. But in future, there is hope. Scientists are beginning to unlock the genome secrets and hope that new treatments will be available in future to cure generic disorders. One good piece of research is in gene editing. To find out how gene editing work and why scientists think the future of genetic disorders looks bright and also what the benefits are, keep reading below:

What is Gene Editing?

In simple terms, gene editing, or genome editing, is a small area of research that aims to modify living organisms or genes. We can use gene editing technology to alter, add or remove parts of the DNA in a genome. The aim of gene editing is to improve our understanding of gene function and to come up with treatments for diseases.

How Does Gene Editing Work?

There are several ways to edit genes, but the most popular technique uses CAS Clover technology. CAS clover is an enzyme that acts like scissors that can cut DNA. This technology is assisted by a strand of RNA. The RNA guides the new DNA to the part of the broken DNA before binding itself to the gene. Once there, the scientist can choose whether to remove part of the gene’s DNA, make a change or introduce a new gene. When this is complete, the DNA’s natural repair process takes over and glues the cuts together.

The Benefits of Gene Editing

There are many benefits to this technology. First, it can help cure diseases – this technology offers new solutions for disease prevention, control, and healing. Gene editing is already used to diagnose and treat complex diseases like heart attacks, cancer and asthma. Hopefully, it will soon be used to eradicate malaria, a considerable health problem in developing countries.

It can also be used to modify crops genetically – many farmers are excited by the prospect of being able to modify their crops genetically. They hope this will allow them to create more robust and healthier crops. The crops they produce with this type of technology should be able to withstand climate change and pesticides.

The Future of Gene Editing

It is currently under debate. While it is a great tool to use in the fight against complex conditions, many people think it invites discrimination against people with disabilities. Because of this, gene editing might not have a place in our future. To ensure it does, scientists need to work closely with law officials and policymakers to ensure the technology can be used for humankind’s benefit while minimizing risks.

Though gene editing is not widely used currently, we can hope to see certain diseases cured with this tech in the future. This includes genetic conditions like Downs Syndrome and other conditions like cancer and malaria. As well as this, this technology will hopefully be used to modify food crops to withstand climate change. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this type of technology.

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