The Purpose Of A Blog: How Blogging Drives Sales

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Many creative people worldwide love to write. They do so to express their opinions about different topics. Also, many people write to inform people about various themes and topics, like making guides about cooking, cleaning, gaming, and much more. Right now, there are a staggering amount of blogs that get published every day globally. Over time, people discovered that the purpose of blogging is for a great marketing tool. Product experts and reviewers can publish blogs to inform potential customers about new products and services that are available in the market. In this article, we are going to go over the various uses of blogging as a marketing activity. The focus will be given to how blogging can help a business drive sales. 

What Is A Blog?

how blogging drive sales

A blog is a written article that gets published digitally on the internet. Many people create websites where they write articles daily about various themes and topics and then upload them. People can read these articles to gain more knowledge about a certain topic of interest. 

Most bloggers write articles that belong to various niches. A niche refers to a particular topic that the blogger is knowledgeable in and loves writing articles about it. This can range from cooking, gaming, marketing, shopping, tourism, and much more. 

A blog gets published in the name of the blogger, whose image and bio often appears at the bottom of the page. Using this information, readers can find more articles about the blogger and get links to other blogs that they have written. Many readers do so if they like the blogger and want to read similar blogs written by the same blogger.

How To Rank Blogs In Search Engines?

Blogs are found when you search about something in search about something by typing in its keywords in search engines. People generally use search engines like Google to search for any information they need. If the keyword appears in a blog, it appears on the search results.

Therefore, it can be said that blogs get discovered by people who search about them with certain keywords. It can be said here that if a blog contains many keywords related to a topic, then people get to read about it. Therefore, it can be said that bloggers need to put as many keywords as possible to make their article rank higher in search results. 

This is done using Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If the blogger does SEO research before writing about a topic, they can get to know about the highest-ranked keywords that people are using in Google to search for the content they need. The better keywords the blogs have with the most volume, the higher their ranking will be. 

SEO is used by almost all bloggers to generate content that will yield good traffic to their websites. When a blog constantly ranks high due to high traffic and great SEO, marketers will be interested to allow the blogger to link the marketing firm’s website in their blog, so that readers can be directed to that website also. This is called external linking.

External linking done by other businesses through your blogs is a great way to divert traffic to the website. This is a common tactic that many businesses use to generate leads and increase their conversion rates in the digital marketplace. 

Websites will be interested in linking their websites to your blogs if you are a highly respected blogger in the digital communities. This only happens if you are able to constantly rank all your blogs with the inclusion of well researched and well-placed keywords. 

When almost all your published blogs start automatically ranking higher due to the traffic they generate, you will gain authority on that particular niche. Gaining authority means that you are revered amongst readers as an expert on that topic and all your articles are useful for readers interested in that niche. 

Many websites will take notice of your authority, especially businesses that are related to the niche you write about. If they are interested, they will contact you personally. They will then ask you to place links to their business websites in your blogs so that your readers can be diverted to their page and buy products. You will also get paid for each click that happens on that link through your blog. 

How Does Blogging Drive Sales?

Blogging is an important tool to drive sales. This is because you can treat blogs as marketing copies that convince readers to buy a product. If the blog is written well and is considered as an authority on that niche, then you can definitely expect readers to click on links that appear in your content and buy products if they are interested. 

Therefore, it can be said that the purpose of blogging is to drive sales by acting as a marketing copy for readers to digest and get convinced by. 

Benefits Of Blogging 

Some of the main benefits of blogging are:

Gain Exposure

Writing blogs as a blogger lets you gain exposure among blog readers. This exposure is necessary as it soon builds up to a dedicated reader base who are genuinely interested in your articles. 

Build Authority

Gaining more exposure allows you to build authority on a particular niche of blogs. For example, if you write blogs about cooking, you will share recipes for many tasty dishes. If they are liked by people globally, you will generate a loyal reader base, and will then be known and respected as an authority on cooking. 

Share Informative Content

The primary purpose of blogging is to share with readers vital information about a particular topic. This may be old news that everyone knows but might have forgotten about or the latest updates and news about these topics. 

Generate Leads

Another primary purpose of blogging is to generate leads through external linking. This refers to placing links to other websites where you convince readers through your blogs to go to a website and make purchases over there. This leads the linked business to generate more traffic and convert readers into customers. 


Blogging is a great activity for creative writers to showcase their talent and also make money out of it. This is because you can market the products and services of other companies (or your own) by writing blogs. Therefore, it can be said that blogging helps drive sales for businesses.

About Post Author


Alia Rojas is a professinal blogger. She is the owner of Redhatmedia.
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Alia Rojas is a professinal blogger. She is the owner of Redhatmedia.

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