crafts paper

Crafts Paper

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Hello Friends some information on crafts paper.

A little time and attention is all a paper art needs. Paper, one of the most familiar, inexpensive material for the art and crafts. With the help of right techniques and concentration, you can make anything from small model to big building and furniture.

Most of the people unaware of types of papers which can be used in crafts. Paper types have their different potential which is useable for craft. Combination of thickness, stiffness, texture and finishing like matte, glossy etc, can change the way of their use. So let’s just explore the world of paper.

I just want to share some popular types of paper with you. I hope it will help you to polish your creativity effectively and help you create a great model.

Copy paper

It is light weight and smooth and good for writing and printing. It is stiff enough for making small paper model like boat.

Tissue paper

It has thin smooth surface and available in bright colors. It is mostly used for making flower, jewels and also used for gift wrapping.

Crepe paper

It has thin crinkled surface and it can be stretched easily. It is also available in bright colors for making flowers, kids craft, papier-mâché etc.

Mulberry paper

It is handmade sheet from the mulberry plant which is paltered on one side and plain on other.

Rice paper

Its created from rice plant, it has rough and translucent surface, it is available usually in white. For painting drawing calligraphy scrapbooking rice paper mostly used.

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