Limit your Child’s Online Time

5 Effective Ways to Limit your Child’s Online Time

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The Internet poses a huge worry for every parent, as young and impressionable minds can find just about everything on the web and even if your son or daughter only uses the web for social media, that too, can become addictive. If you have noticed that your teenage child is spending too much time on their digital device, here are a few tips to limit your child’s online time.

1 Model correct use

Make sure that you do not surf the web in the presence of your son/daughter and this will go a long way toward making your child understand that limiting time online makes sense. Our kids pay more attention to what their parents do than what they say. Leading by example is the best way to show that there are limits even adults have to abide by.

2 After-school activities

If you live in Sydney, check out the great after-school activities on offer at and your offspring can join a group and get some fresh air. Twice or three times a week is typical, with courses that last a few months. The students are not allowed to use their digital device unless it is an emergency; most leave their tablet at home.

3 Create tech-free zones withing the home

You could make a rule that digital devices are not allowed in the lounge and dining room, which is sure to limit your child’s online time. Make sure that you and your partner strictly adhere to any rules that you set, which is setting the right example.

4 Use filters and password protection

If you are tech-minded, you will know how to set up accounts for all family members on your wi-fi router; every family member should have a user name and password, yet you can easily reset a password as a last resort. There are filters to prevent minors accessing adult content and they are very easy to configure; talk to your Internet provider if you need any assistance. You should educate your kids about cyber-security as early as you can, that way they will be better prepared to protect their data when they grow up.

5 Discuss the topic as a family

If you sit down with your teenage son or daughter and explain the reasons why they should not spend too much time on the Internet, this can have a positive impact on their web usage. If a young person knows the reasons why limiting Internet usage is important, they are more likely to conform. Try not to get emotional when having dialogue with your kids; adolescents experience hormone imbalances, which can make them aggressive and if you and your partner are always calm and logical, this goes a long way to keeping things civil.

It can be stressful dealing with teenage kids and you have to be prepared to try various strategies until you reach a happy medium; no one knows your kids like you and your partner and we should always lead by example, if we want our kids to follow rules of any kind. Hope these tips will help you limit your child’s online time.

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