What to do if you failed MOT Test

Failed Your MOT? Here’s What You Should Do Now

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Who’d know better than a UK citizen the importance of the MOT test? Every year this test is done on numerous vehicles in the U.K., to check if they are worthy to be driven on the roads there. This test is of utmost importance as it not only checks the safety of the vehicle for the owner but also for the other fellow passengers driving on the roads. Therefore, clearing MOT becomes very important. One should be particular about the MOT test date and shouldn’t miss it in any case, whatsoever. There’s a big list of the parts that are checked during the MOT Newport test. Each part should breeze through the test successfully, making the vehicle fit to be run on the roads. If you failed the MOT test and did not fix the issues, you would get serious consequences.

Parts Checked During MOT

Most of the parts are checked during this test. These include the vehicle registration number, seats and seat belts, brakes, steering and suspension, doors, horn, mirrors, wheels and tyres, bonnet, towbars, registration plates, lamps and reflectors, shock absorbers, exhaust and fuel emissions and overall general health of the vehicle.

Can I Drive My Car Even After the Failure of the MOT Test?


Well, if you still plan to drive the car despite the failure of the test, you are certainly putting yourself into the bad books of the system. Here’s what this means –

  • You’d need to pay a hefty fine of £2500.
  • You could face a driving ban.
  • You’d lose out on the insurance policy as well.
  • You can also be prosecuted in such circumstances.

So, you see, flunking the test isn’t as grave a problem as not taking your car for a retest to get that precious MOT Test Newport certificate.

How to Fix a Failed MOT Test?

In case you’ve not been able to clear the test, then you’d be issued a VT30 certificate, which means, ‘Refusal of MOT Test Certificate.’ In this case, you need to appear for a retest. You must keep this certificate safely with you, as you’d need to present it at the time of the retest and then your car would be judged on the same parameters, as they were pointed out on the certificate. 

Know Everything About the Retest

After failing the MOT test, the first thing you need to do is take your vehicle to a repair centre to fix the faults pointed out in the certificate and then reappear for the test. You can also get it repaired at the centre where you did your test initially to avoid further costs. However, this also has some conditions attached to it. Know them in detail here.

  • If you take your vehicle to the same testing centre within a period of 10 working days, originally tested your car, then you shouldn’t be charged again for the test. This is called the partial re-examination of the vehicle. 
  • However, one important condition in this is, if the repairs do not fall into the category of partial re-examination, then you’ll need to shell out the money again for a full second MOT Newport test.
  • If you come back with your vehicle to the same testing centre after the period of 10 days, then you’ll also need to pay for a full MOT test fee.

Once all the repairs are done, you must apply for a retest to avoid any kind of obstacles in your driving.

Filing an Appeal For a Failed MOT Test

If you strongly feel that your car has been given inequitable treatment during the MOT test, then you can appeal for it to DVSA. You need to follow the following procedure for it.

  • Fill out a form called ‘Complain about MOT’ and send it to DVSA within 14 working days, the first day starting from the date of the original test date.
  • DVSA will arrange for a retest of your car within 5 days, for which you’d be required to pay the full test fee again.
  • If your claim is found to be valid, you’ll be refunded the full or partial test fee, depending on the case.

Being particular about the MOT Newport test not only shows your sincerity towards your vehicle but also makes you more credible to a potential customer. So don’t miss your MOT at any cost. In case want other info click here at Cheap Tyres Newport

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Trade Price Tyres is among the leading retailers in tyres Newport.
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