simple maintenance tips for your car tyres

Some Simple Tips To Keep Your Car’s Tyres Rolling 

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Your car’s tyres are what comes between you and a very hard, and sometimes very rough, road. They are a critical component of all automobiles, as they are responsible for not just movement, but handling, ride quality, and safety! Your tyres take a beating, so if you want your car tyres to be able to do their job on a long-term basis you will need to perform some simple maintenance tips to make sure they remain fit, firm, and always ready to ride!

There are many types of tyres available to suit every kind of vehicle, from sturdy light truck tyres to fancy, stick-to-the-road sports car tyres, but whatever tyres your vehicle rides on, keeping them well maintained is going to save you money and keep you safe and comfortable! Here are some important simple tips you can take to keep your car tyres rolling:

Regular Inspection

Tyres take the brunt of everything the road throws at them, sharp gravel, potholes, broken glass, and other debris can damage them over time. Therefore it’s best practice to perform frequent tyre inspections to make sure there aren’t any embedded debris, cuts, or gouges in them. Driving on a damaged tyre only makes things worse, so the sooner these kinds of problems are identified and rectified, the better!

Check Air Pressure

It’s advisable to check your tyre’s air pressure once a week during your maintenance regime to ensure they aren’t over or underinflated, which can cause premature wearing and even lead to a dangerous blowout! It’s a great idea to keep a tyre gauge in your car at all times so you can make a check on the fly if something doesn’t look right. Then, make sure to add any necessary air as soon as possible!

Alignment Checks

Over time the bumps in the road can knock your front tyres out of alignment, so it’s important to have them checked periodically to ensure they are both pointing in the right direction! A professional car maintenance service can quickly measure whether or not your tyres are properly aligned, and make adjustments accordingly to prevent undue wear and tear.


Your car rests on four points touching the ground and that weight distribution can sometimes get knocked out of balance, which leads to increased wear on the tyres. Your car maintenance technician can place your car on a special scale that can read the weight distribution and special lead weights can be attached to the rims if needed to ensure an even weight dispersal. If your car is vibrating unnaturally this procedure should smooth things out!


Tyres experience different kinds of wear depending on where they are placed. Front tyres wear faster at the edge due to cornering, and drive-mounted tyres experience additional stress from acceleration. Rotating the tyres frequently to different positions around the vehicle will make the wear more even and increase your tyre’s lifespan.

You can find more information on car maintenance if you have further questions. We hope these simple maintenance tips help you and your car tyres have a smooth ride from now into the future!

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