taking care of your teeth

Great Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth

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Taking care of your teeth is essential to give you a clean, bright smile with a striking look. Healthy and strong teeth also allow you to eat any food you desire without worrying about teeth sensitivity or difficulty in chewing. Furthermore, poor oral hygiene can cause dental problems such as foul breath, bleeding gums, tooth decay, and loss. But what is the best way to take care of your oral health? In this article, we present to you five great tips for taking care of your teeth.

5 great tips for taking care of your teeth

To maintain healthy and long-lasting teeth, follow these tips:

Brush your teeth properly

Brushing your teeth is the first oral hygiene practice you learn at an early age. However, most people don’t brush their teeth the right way.

You should brush your teeth twice daily, with a soft-bristled toothbrush. If the bristles are too hard, they could bruise your gum, cheeks, or tongue and expose you to infections. The minimum time you should spend brushing your teeth is two minutes, and you should work on both the front and back of your teeth with circular motions.


Do you floss your teeth daily? If not, then you are missing one crucial step in maintaining a healthy set of teeth. Flossing is vital because even the best toothbrush cannot access some hidden parts of your teeth. Depending on the spaces on your teeth, food particles may be trapped. This happens especially when you eat sticky foods such as steak, chicken, and fibrous fruits.

Make sure to floss your teeth daily to get rid of these particles that the brushing missed. You can floss before brushing your teeth or after having a meal.

Watch your diet

Sugary foods and drinks are harmful to your oral health. Sugary residues settle on your teeth and gums and ferment to form acidic matter. When you expose your teeth to acidic conditions for long, you risk developing tooth decay and bad breath.

Taking snacks frequently also interferes with the natural cleaning of teeth by saliva. Avoid sugary foods such as cakes, biscuits, lollies, and sodas. If you consume sweet stuff, take lots of water.

Regular dental check-up

Oral health is more than the regular cleaning of teeth and maintaining good eating habits. The same way you go to the spa once in a while, your teeth and gums need special pampering too. Annual or bi-annual visits to your dentist can help you notice developing dental problems and stop them before they advance.

If you are looking for a dentist, visit us today for a thorough and wholesome dental check-up at affordable prices.

Drink plenty of water

Water is life, and a well-hydrated mouth is a recipe for healthy teeth and gums. Drinking plenty of water at regular intervals maintains the correct pH levels in your mouth. Acidic pH creates a suitable environment for the growth of bacteria, causing infections and foul odour. Water balances this PH, thus inhibiting the development of these micro-organisms.

Taking bouts of water regularly also increases saliva production and washes down trapped food particles down the throat. This ensures your smile is bright and residue-free.


Taking good care of teeth is paramount for healthy and long-lasting smiles. You also need strong teeth to chew food and take cold/hot drinks. Brushing teeth the right way, flossing, and going for dental check-ups will enhance your dental health. Dietary practices such as avoiding sweet foods and drinking plenty of water are also excellent ways to take care of your teeth.

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