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Hello, guys today I will give you 40 interesting facts that you probably didn’t know or never heard before. I found these interesting facts you didn’t know on the internet while just surfing around. I hope you will enjoy it. If you have any more facts that you want to add drop them in a comment.
- The world’s quietest room is – 9 decibel, quiet enough to hear your own blood flowing
- You can’t smell while you’re sleeping
- In 1903 the Wright brothers flew for 59 seconds. 38 years later the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. 28 years after that, we landed on the moon
- The adult human has two to nine pounds of bacteria in his or her body
- Blue whales heart is the size of a VW Beetle and that you could swim through some of its arteries
- Half of all humans who have ever lived died from malaria
- Alcohol is considered a performance-enhancing drug in competitive shooting competitions
- If you shuffle a deck of cards, chances are that the new order of playing cards has never existed before
- You replace every particle in your body every seven years. You are literally not the same person you were 7 years ago
- A tree is the opposite of your lungs. Physically and functionally
- Mayonnaise is made from oil and eggs
- The sun is 400x further from the earth than the moon, but the moon is 400x smaller than the sun
- All the humans on the planet could fit into 1 cubic mile
- If there was no space between any of its atoms, Earth would be the size of a baseball
- The total weight of ants on earth is equal to the total weight of humans on earth
- Turtles can breathe out of their butts
- It takes a photon, on average, 200,000 years to travel from the core of the Sun to the surface, then just a little over 8 minutes from the Sun’s surface to your eyeball
- A pencil has the potential to draw a line 38 miles long
- Lighters were invented before matches
- If a man never cut his beard, by the time he dies it would be 30 feet long
- The USA is an older country than Germany
- If you keep going North, you will eventually go South. If you keep going East, you will never go West
- There is a garbage swirl in the ocean the size of Texas
- A Mosquito has 47 teeth
- Most Diamonds are at least 3 years old
- Chess was invented in India.
- 40% of mankind don’t live to see their first birthday
- In Netherlands citizen with disabilities receives public money to pay for sexual services up to 12 times a year
- A lightning strike can reach a temperature of 30,000° C or 54,000° F
- The only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table is J
- Every human being shares 99% of their DNA with every other human
- Grasshoppers have ears on their stomach
- The human body contains enough carbon lead for 9,000 pencils
- 95% of the cells in the human body are bacteria
- Nicotine can be lethal to children in doses as small as 10 milligrams
- A fresh egg will sink in water
- Ants are capable of carrying objects 50 times their own body weight
- Humans can only see about 5% of the matter in the Universe
- August has the highest percentage of birth
- Dogs see the sadness in humans and often initiate cuddling to make their owners Happy
These are the 40 interesting facts probably you didn’t know, I will keep on adding more as i get, you guys can also comment more facts to add to this list.