best dialogues from the movie Martian

46 best Dialogues from The Martian Movie

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The Martian released in 2015, is one of the futuristic sci-fi films that showcases what can happen if we ever reach mars. It is a What-if scenario, which shows what would happen if a human is stuck on mars alone. Though the science of the movie is not accurate. There are a few mistakes in the movie, about the dust storms, Radiation and the MAV takeoff. But this movie is based on the Book Martian, and the book was set in 2039, so I think we can say, we have improved our space tech until then. And as for the dust storm, in the end, it is a movie, they needed a scenario. But I liked the overall movie and the storyline. I am going to list out the best dialogues from the Movie Martian

Best dialogues from the Movie Martian

I’m in Hab designed to last 31 days. If the oxygenator breaks. I’m gonna suffocate. if the water reclaimer breaks I’ll die of thirst. If the Hab breaches, I’m just gonna kind of implode. And if by some miracle none of that happens, eventually I’m gonna run out of food.
I’m not gonna die here - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
I got to figure out a way to grow three years’ worth of food here. On a planet where nothing grows. Luckily I’m a botanist. Mars will come to fear from botany powers
By the way, I’m figuring you’re gonna be fine with this, given my present situation. Counting on you - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
Interesting side note, this is actually how the Jet Propulsion lab was founded. Five guys at Caltech were trying to make rocket fuel and nearly burned down their dorm. And rather than expel them they banished them to a nearby farm told them to keep working. And now we have space program
Hey, There. - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
He’s not going anywhere Teddy. I mean he’s not going to decompose, you know. He’s gonna be up there forever.
And they’d be devastated to find out they left him there alive - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
Dear America, remember that astronaut we killed, and had a really nice funeral for? Turns out he’s alive and we left him on Mars. Our bad. Sincerely NASA.
But if my math is right, he’s going to starve to death long before we can help him - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
Can you Imagine what he’s going through up there? He’s 50 million miles away from home. He thinks he’s totally alone. He thinks we gave up on him. What does that do to a man, Psychologically?
I’m gonna have to science the shit out of this - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
Don’t dig up the big box of Plutonium Mark. I get it. RTGs are good for spacecraft, but if they rupture around humans, no more humans
The smaller ones I’ll reseed, the larger ones are my food supply. All natural, organic, Martian-grown potatoes. You don’t hear that every day, do you?
Look I don’t mean to sound arrogant or anything, but I am the greatest botanist on this planet - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
They say once you grow crops somewhere you’ve officially colonized it. So technically I colonized Mars. In your face Neil Armstrong
I could tell him to take off him helmet but then he’d you know die - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
I hate this margin. 912 Sols worth of food, we get there on 868. And that’s assuming nothing goes wrong
Crops are dead. Complete loss of pressure boiled off most of the water. Any bacteria that survived, died in the sub-zero temperatures when exposed to the Mars atmosphere
Every day, I go outside and look at the vast horizons, Just because I can - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
I need you to get me some supercomputer time - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
Yeah! My father was a Hindu, my mother was a Baptist, so, Yeah I believe in several - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
I’m not giving up. We just need to prepare for every outcome. Please tell them I love what I do and I’m really good at it. And that I’m dying for something big and beautiful and greater than me. Tell them I said I can live with that and tell them, thank you for being my mom and dad
So what? We either have a high chance of killing one person or low chance of killing six people. How do we make that decision?
We don’t have to make it, Bruce. He does - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
We still have a chance to bring five astronauts home safe and sound. I’m not risking their lives
You goddamn Coward - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
Actually you could teach all this in a class someday. You know the good stuff, like how to make a bathtub using NASA tubing and an old RTG. How to cook a potato in 6000 different ways? The Mark Watney Syllabus
And before you answer consider the consequences. If we mess up the supply rendezvous, we die. If we mess up the earth gravity assist, we die. If we do everything perfectly, we add 533 days to our mission, 533 more days before we see our families again, 533 days of unplanned space travel where anything could go wrong. If it’s mission critical, we die
I’d have to disable remote override on each system. It’s part of the OS, I’d have to jump over the code
Okay, but like in English, what would that mean? - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
We’re fighting the same war. Every time something goes wrong, the world forgets why we fly. I’m trying to keep us airborne. It’s bigger than one person
He would have done the same thing for me. You know that - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
Mark Watney, Space Private - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
Everywhere I go. I’m the first. It’s a strange feeling. Step outside the Rover, first guy to be there. Climb that hill, first guy to do that. Four and a half billions years nobody hear. And now, me. I’m the first person to be alone on an entire planet
You want to send a man into space without the front of his ship - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
Well, no. We’re gonna have him cover it with Hab Canvas - best dialogues from the Movie Martian
You wanna send him into space under a trap
Yeah, I get to go faster than any man in the history of the space travel, because you are launching me in a convertible
And by the way, physicists, when describing things like acceleration do not use the word “fast”
He may be in Bad shape when I get him. The stripped-down MAV will get him to 12 G’s during the launch.
I get to fly around like Iron Man
But I feel obliged to mention that setting off an explosive device in a spacecraft is a terrible, terrible idea
See, the thing is I’m selfish. I want all the memorials back home to be about me
I should have left this guy on Mars
Yes I did in fact survive on a deserted planet by farming in my own shit


I really liked the movie, just one thing I noticed is Mark Watney created a mess of the place and left a lot of waste, which is obviously because he just was thinking about surviving. That is something we humans do, we don’t care about our surroundings, or the environment when we are just looking for our survival. Which is okay, but also a harsh reality. It is just something I noticed. You should watch this movie if you like a good sci-fi movie.

Let us know in the comments did we miss any of the best dialogue from the movie martian, are you liking our dialogue compilation, you can see all the dialogue articles here. We are coming with more movies and series best dialogue

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Hello Guys I am a website developer by profession but is always keen on learning new things. I have been investing in Mutual funds, stock market for the past few years because of which I have gained good knowledge. I started my entrepreneur journey in 2019 which lead me to learn more things as I am moving forward. I always love to share whatever I learn. Always had a craze for cars from my childhood, which inspired me to start this website.
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