landing a job

10 Tips on What It Takes to Land a Job

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Landing a job you want is never down to luck. Even the worst of positions has at least several candidates applying for them and if we’re talking about one’s dream job, the competition can be quite tough. On top of this, employers seem to be setting impossible-to-meet requirements and whoever you ask for advice may suggest you try something different. So, how does one navigate this confusing landscape of the job market? Here are the top 10 tips that might just help you out in this regard.

1. Requirements are more of a wish list

The first thing you need to understand is that the job requirements are more of a wish list and not a hard-set prerequisite. Here, the potential employer is creating an image of their ideal employee and there is a high likelihood that no one with this set of skills and traits will even apply for the job. In other words, the worst possible thing you can do is to see a demanding job requirements list and just give up straight away. If anything, by just applying past the requirements that you don’t fulfil, you’re displaying some guts, which is a trait that employers will know how to appreciate.

2. Work on your resume

Everyone exaggerates on their resume. However, your resume is also a way to show your creativity and provide the potential employer with an example of what you have to offer. Let’s say that you’re applying for a position that requires a lot of creativity. Does writing a plain CV seem like a good qualification? Let’s say that you’re applying for a position in sales. Through your resume, you’re trying to sell the idea of becoming an employee at the target enterprise. Either way you look at it, making your resume as professional as possible is important.

3. Look around

Being desperate during the job interview is one of the least appealing traits of a potential employee. Still, jobless and penniless, how can you appear anything but desperate, right? The key to solving this problem lies in sending out emails left and right. Even if you don’t get any of these jobs, you will create a scenario where it appears as if you have an abundance of options. This way, if this interview fails, there’s always the next one. Even if you really like the prospect of working at this company, something even better might be just around the bend. This is the mindset you need to adopt going into an interview.

10 tips on how to land a job

4. Have the right mindset

Speaking of the mindset, there are a lot of people who just go out and tell you to ‘be confident. The problem is that there’s so much work behind confidence and it’s really hard and ineffective to try to fake it. Instead, you need to have the proper mindset, which can be developed over time. Enrolling in the Master Mindset method is one of the ways to facilitate the process and enhance the end results. There’s a reason why successful people act the way they do and without actually thinking like a winner, you won’t be able to efficiently emulate this type of behaviour.

5. Do the research on the company

While you do want to look for a lot of different job opportunities, this is not necessarily the idea you want to send to a potential employer. The last thing that an employer wants is to invest in hiring, training and mentoring an employee who will go to another company as soon as they get an opportunity. Still, how do you display a potential for corporate loyalty during an interview? More importantly, how do you make it feel genuine? The answer is simple – you spend time and effort researching both the company and the interviewer and show this during an interview.

6. Finish strong

Making a good first impression is incredibly important, but not many people think about the very ending of the meeting. It’s the last impression that will linger the longest. Moreover, you need to understand that the concept of the first impression gets misinterpreted, as well. The first impression is not just the first few seconds after you walk into the room. The whole interview can count as a first impression. This is why you need to finish strong in order to create an image of a successful end-to-end effort.

7. Don’t practice too much

The next thing you need to focus on is that you should skip rehearsing too much for the interview. The fact is that you will always get asked questions that you weren’t prepared for. If you spent too much time memorizing generic answers, this might turn into a natural reflex. Worse yet, you might make an effort to steer the conversation back towards the familiar grounds. The problem is that this won’t go unnoticed by the interviewer and it will definitely reflect negatively on your whole presentation.

8. Write a great cover letter

A good resume should be just a half of your job application. You also need a great cover letter in order to increase your employability appeal. Here, you have more freedom to write about your qualities, seeing as how you’re not as restricted by the format of the resume. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be formal in the tone of the letter, only that you have a bit more manoeuvring space when it comes to your manner of expression. Take your time and write several test letters before you’re ready to send the final version.

9. Set some conditions

Remember, we’re not just talking about landing a job but landing a job that you want. This means that you have to fight for it from the get-go. You should turn the interview into a negotiation. Ask counter-questions, negotiate your salary and ask the interviewer what you can expect from working in their company. Accepting an offer right away might land you into some trouble from day one.

10. Think about your motivation

At the end of the day, it all comes down to motivation. Do your research and ask yourself if you really want to work there. Sure, the pay might be great, as well as the prospects of advancing your career, but you should also consider what the other employees have to say about the working environment. Try to understand why working it is good for you and the rest will come easy. Achieving everything listed here is far from easy, so make sure that you know why you’re actually doing it. Once you do, making an effort won’t seem so hard.

In conclusion

Chances are that you won’t encounter your dream job right away, which gives you some time to properly prepare. This way, you won’t allow this opportunity to slip. After all, Roman philosopher Seneca once said that luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. So, it’s up to you to be ready.

About Post Author


Emily Miller is a blogging enthusiast, writing about life-work related topics.
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