why you don't like remote working

Not Enjoying Remote Working? Here’s Why

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Remote working is becoming a more viable option for companies all around the world. Thanks to technology development and people becoming more tech-savvy, it has never been easier to do a job from the comfort of your home. Being able to work from home is a great working experience and it carries a lot of benefits. So, if you are lucky enough to be in this situation, then you should try to make the most out of it. 

There are a lot of people who don’t love the idea of remote working. This is very common and can usually be down to several reasons. If you are not sure why you are not enjoying your remote working experience, then it could be one of the following. Figuring out what the issue is could then help you to work towards a solution in the future. 

Frustrating Internet 

Not having a great internet connection is something that can cause a lot of issues in today’s world. Frustrating internet can ruin a remote worker’s day quite easily. Slow internet can make your computer/laptop slow which in turn would affect your work efficiency and productivity. The best solution to this will be to invest in top internet providers. By doing this, you are going to have more reliable connections and be able to enjoy the internet so much easier. 

If you are not sure if your internet is up to the standard of working from home, then you need to find out. Find a test my internet speed tool that will allow you to know. If you do this, then you will be able to find out if your internet is too slow or if it is another issue. 

Low-Quality Devices 

There is a good chance that your internet is not the problem with your remote working. Instead, it could be that you are not using suitable devices for your work. If you are using an old laptop or desktop, then there are chances that it will affect your work and productivity. As well as this, they might not be able to allow you to do all of the things necessary for your work. Investing in more modern and capable devices could show you how enjoyable remote working could be. 

Working Mindset  

Perhaps the issue with remote working has nothing to do with the actual work itself. Many people find it hard to get into the working mindset from home. It can be hard to separate home life from working life. This can mean that many people are distracted and find it hard to concrete and be professional when they are in their homes. One of the best things you can do for this is to have a separate area in your home devoted to work. This can help your brain to associate being in this space with working hard, which can help to improve your mindset. 

You are a social animal

Working from home can be hard for some people because they crave social interactions with other people. Working from home can create loneliness because of long working hours which can have adverse mental effects. And working from home and having a Zoom/meet call is not an ideal way to communicate for some. For some people having face-to-face interaction is ideal and makes them happy and more productive. You can solve this by having a work-life balance and spending your evening meeting friends and travelling at weekends. This way you will meet new people and yet enjoy your work from home.

If you fall under the category of people who dont like to work remotely, but are doing so, try to have a good work-life balance and unwind your day with some exercise or yoga to keep yourself active and productive.

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