invest in video marketing

Here are 10 Reasons why you should invest in Video Marketing

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Video marketing is a valuable channel for business owners to achieve their goals. While video production can be costly, it can also increase conversion rates and deliver a highly targeted message. Invest in Video marketing to get the benefits of video marketing

But the only way to know if video marketing is right for your business is to test it. A strategy of testing can help you identify pain points, and expectations and learn what works best for your customers.

Keep in mind that video marketing campaigns are campaigns that focus on targeting a specific audience with the intent to reach them at their point of decision-making.

While this sounds straightforward, it changes significantly when large media outlets like online streaming providers start flooding the internet with customized content not necessarily intended for any one customer or group of customers looking to fill an immediate need or want. 

Here are 10 reasons why you should invest in video marketing.

1) Videos reactivate your target audience’s attention span

why you should invest in video marketing
Photo by Brands&People on Unsplash

Videos will engage your viewers by giving them a visual representation of what you are talking about. It also reactivates your target audience’s attention span, as they have the tendency to lose interest in quick videos. The power of videos can be harnessed by integrating a call to action at the end.

2) Videos help you convert visitors into customers

You can simplify complicated topics

Video marketing is a powerful tool for driving sales. The short attention span of the average person today makes it difficult to build up long-term relationships with customers. Videos are an excellent way to re-engage your audience by keeping them interested in your brand or product through the video’s point of view. Video marketing also helps you convert visitors into customers by simplifying complicated topics and making them easier to understand.

It’s more authentic

Video marketing is authentic because it allows you to express your message more authentically than text or social media can, which makes viewers feel like they know the person behind the brand. Showing rather than telling offers a more dynamic approach to content marketing.

Products are best seen in action

Whether it’s a product, show, or service you are marketing, videos provide the evidence that people need to get behind your message. By seeing how something works in practice rather than just hearing about it from an expert speaker, viewers will be more inclined to believe and trust your brand.

3) Videos are an effective way to present your brand identity

Videos are an effective way to present your brand identity and bring your message across. It is an easy, affordable, and creative marketing tool that can be used for a variety of purposes.

Your Brand’s Visual Impression

When people see your video, they instantly judge the quality of your brand. Online videos are so much part of our daily lives today that it’s understandable for potential customers to disregard them as irrelevant cost-cutting measures but actually, videos engage viewers even more than text or photos could hope to do.

Your Brand’s Unique Voice

The visual impact of your company’s video will influence whether potential customers find it relatable. It needs to be aligned with the unique personality you want yours to have, but also needs to fit into your overall image or brand identity.

Your Brand’s Identity Standards

Without putting thought into how it looks, your video will fail to establish credibility and inspire trust with potential customers. Every now and again, companies are applauded for their videos but there’s always a notable percentage of recipients who won’t watch them because they have poor quality or are otherwise problematic.

Your Brand’s Consistency Across Channels

Your brand’s videos need to look and feel the same whether they are appearing online or in a print advertisement. When choosing your company’s visual identity, you don’t want viewers clicking away from where they’ve been led by poor-quality material that has nothing to do with their interests.

4) Videos are a great way to attract new audiences

Videos are one of the best ways to attract new customers. They are engaging and fun, which makes them an ideal tool for reaching people who might not be interested in reading your content.

There are many benefits if you invest in video marketing:

  • It helps generate leads by giving viewers an opportunity to learn more about your company or brand before they buy anything.
  • Help engage with customers on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. 
  • It gives you the opportunity to reach out to influencers that could help spread the word about your business. 
  • One of the benefits is that you can connect with your customers

With all these benefits, it is easier for people to understand why videos are vital when running a business. 

5) Videos cost less than print ads

invest in video marketing
Photo by Matthew Kwong on Unsplash

Print ads are a lot cheaper than videos. Videos have a higher production cost because they need to be edited and produced as well as the quality of the video has to be at par with print ads.

The cost of video advertising is cheaper than print ads because the production and distribution costs are lower.

Video ads have higher engagement

Videos cost less than print ads. With the rise of social media and PPC advertising, more and more people are turning to these platforms for information rather than traditional channels such as televisions or newspapers. Additionally, video ads have higher engagement rates than text-based advertisements.

Video ads are shareable

When a viewer watches a video ad online, he or she is more likely to share that content instead of just reading through it. In fact, the rate at which people will share an advertisement without viewing it can be as high as 68% if they think favourably about what they are sharing and the company behind the message.

Video ads have higher a click-through rate

People will click from a video ad, but not the same way they might if it was an image. With video ads, people tend to be engaged more deeply because of both their random exposure to advertisements online and the highly relatable nature of these types of messages that add words rather than relying on pictures for support. 

6) Video-optimized content is more easily shared on social media platforms

Yes, video content is better than written content because it provides a better opportunity for people to share your message with their friends and family.

You can invest in video marketing & use them in your online marketing tool by uploading them on YouTube or any other social media platform that you are active on. 

Video is more engaging than text-based information. 

The use of video content is more likely to engage audiences, whereas text-based information can be shared on social media platforms.  This has led to a shift in the way companies advertise their products and services.

People pay more attention to visual information than they do text-based information. 

This relates to the growing preference for video content, which is more engaging than text-based information. Video ads are often shown during television programs on live news events or sports broadcasts. TV shows like “Top Gear” and others rely heavily on car reviews in order to attract viewer interest while also selling products through sponsored spots at the beginning of episodes.

It helps create trust and rapport with the audience which leads to increased conversion rates of website visitors into customers or clients. 

7) People watch videos rather than read blogs or articles

The main reason people watch videos rather than read blogs or articles is that the format of a video makes it easier to consume. It also helps that most videos are shorter and easy to digest compared to long-form content such as blogs or articles.

Additionally, many people like watching video content because they can share it with friends and family who might not be able to read as well as those who might not have time for reading. 

8) The power of video marketing doesn’t go away

Video marketing is a powerful tool in the marketer’s arsenal, and brands are constantly progressing in terms of producing content. The way video marketing is used has also evolved, and people are beginning to understand it as a more sturdy tool that can ensure the success of companies.

9) Video Builds Trust 

Trust is the foundation of customers’ loyalty and brand ambassadors, which is why video recording plays an essential role. 

Videos are able to provide content that delivers value in character for people to understand the message they want their audience to know about. As you see in the following example, people trust what they don’t understand and therefore it becomes easier for them to make a decision when they fully comprehend your message.

10) Google Loves Videos

Videos allow marketers to engage with interested customers by encouraging them to provide their views and feedback on products or services being offered so they can learn more about what each party wants. In this way, businesses use videos every day in order to improve the effectiveness of intelligent marketing strategies.


Video marketing is becoming more and more important in the digital world. With an estimated 93% of Americans owning a smartphone, the demand for video content is increasing. 

Brands need to capture this attention and turn it into a customer. As the world becomes digitally advanced, detailed videos will be able to generate interest that can lead consumers all over the country or even around the globe. 

Video marketing is one of those things which people should invest in now as time passes by brands will stop doing video marketing, something they will regret later. 

The internet has made it easier than ever to find videos that are relevant to your audience, but creating high-quality videos can be difficult. If you want to start using video marketing, here are some tips on how to do it right.

About Post Author


Efa Yasin, exhibits her witty personality, through her intriguing writings. Her works have been published on various websites, like NOGOZO and THETOPTOURS. With her forte being in English, she has conducted researches and concocted articles on various niches like marketing, travel and tourism, information technology, and many more. Currently, she is writing for an employment blog:, and a marketing blog:
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