All of us have been at a party and seen someone you would like to notice you, but trying to get their attention is pretty stressful when you are not sure how to do it. With approaching someone comes the possibility of rejection in public, but if you don’t do anything about it you will regret not taking action. But there are a few tricks you can do subtly to get someone at a party to notice you. No matter if your goal is to get them to approach you or to test it out and see if you have anything in common to fit it off. Because it is such a tricky process, here are five tips for getting someone at a party to notice you.
Never Pretend to be Someone Else
If you are looking to get someone to notice you, they need to see the real you, not some you think they would want to see. Never pretend to be someone else. Even if you are at a party, you need to be kind and polite. Nobody likes sloppy, rude people. Ensure that you show the best version of yourself, so the one whose attention you are seeking sees the real you.
Dress Nicely
The best way to make someone notice you at a party is to dress in something that will make you look your best and make you super confident. Never pick something trashy and super revealing because that will make you look desperate. It will draw attention to you in the wrong way. Put on something beautiful that accentuates your assets. Be confident and do all the things that make you the most confident. It can be something as simple as doing your skincare routine or pepping yourself up.
Give Him Time to Look
No matter how eager and excited you are, keep that on the inside. Let him have a chance to admire you and your beauty. After exchanging a couple of looks, keep talking to your friends. This is letting the admirer scan you from top to bottom. Don’t play hard to get, but neither should you be super easy to get.
Use Your Beautiful Eyes
We all know that there is nothing that will swoop someone off their feet than beautiful eyes. Your face is the best flirting tool humans have. But the thing is that not a lot of people know how to use it as a tool. Your eyes can show more core emotions than you can ever express with words. That is handy because the parties are really loud. Because of that, many women opt to get eyelash extensions and eyebrow tattoos. That will accentuate your face and make it even more beautiful. But using your eyes and face to get them to notice you don’t mean to make weird faces needs to be done right. Using your eyes means that you need to catch some mysterious eye contact to intrigue them.
Don’t Be Afraid to Touch Them
Of course, we don’t mean being inappropriately touchy and doing things without consent. We suggest giving them attention and letting them know that you are interested. Touching their arm is innocent but a super effective way to let them know you want something to do with them. There are many socially acceptable things like dancing close or putting your arm around them. But if you haven’t ever done anything like that, it can be scary. If you are new to this, touch them when the conversation spikes up and a fun song that you love comes on. Make cute little contact with them; that way you will let them know that you are interested in them.
Even though flirting at parties can be scary even for outgoing people, if you are having fun and being confident in yourself, everything will be excellent. Making a connection with someone shouldn’t be forced; if they like you, they will come over to you. Don’t overthink it and have some fun.