What are webhooks and how its different from API?
@outtightstore APIs are tools and protocols that enable software applications to communicate with each other. APIs provide a defined interface that allows developers to access and manipulate data and functionality of another software system. APIs can be used for many purposes, such as retrieving, sending, and triggering actions.
On the other hand, webhooks are a way for one system to notify another system when an event has occurred. In this model, the system that is receiving the event data is the webhook "listener", and the system that sends the event data is the webhook "sender". Webhooks allow for real-time notifications and push-based communication, which is helpful for scenarios such as instant messaging, real-time updates, and automation.
To summarize, APIs are more useful for retrieving data and performing actions in real time, while webhooks are more useful for receiving real-time notifications and triggering actions based on those notifications.
hello there
dont know sorry
what kind